by shantytowndesign | Feb 14, 2020
Locust Blossom Honey The Black Locust tree, which is sometimes called “American Acacia,” is one of the earliest trees to bloom, and thus one of our bee’s first sources for nectar and pollen in the North. Much like the famed Italian Acacia honey, this honey is light,...
by shantytowndesign | Feb 14, 2020
Creamed Honey Creamed Honey is also known as whipped honey, spun honey, and churned honey. It is granulated honey that has been mixed with liquid honey then churned to break down the crystals into a smooth creamy texture. We carry plain creamed honey, creamed honey...
by shantytowndesign | Feb 14, 2020
Comb Honey Fresh from the hive, this 14 ounce block of honeycomb is perfectly paired with cheese and crackers. The entire comb is edible, or you can choose to chew on the wax and toss it out. Back to Honey Overview Shop Raw Honey...
by shantytowndesign | Feb 14, 2020
Bee Pollen Bee Pollen is richer in proteins than any animal source. It contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of equal weight. It is considered one of natures most completely nourishing foods as it contains nearly all nutrients required by humans! Bee...